Become A Published Author – How To Write and Publish More Books By Writing Every Day

Writers write. That’s what I learned from a friend of mine who wanted to write back in the 1980’s. He always carried a notebook and a pen with him anywhere he went, and when someone would ask him what he was doing when he took it out to make some notes, he would answer them with those two words. I guess that had an impact on me, because now I do the exact same thing. And, as for my friend, he has gone on to write many things, including two non-fiction books, a mystery novel, and a screenplay. When he heard that I had become an author, he sent me a thoughtful card and a gift to commemorate the occasion.

If you want to write, you must start writing every single day. In 2007 I challenged myself to write one hundred articles during the following one hundred days. The first few days of this challenge were brutal, but once I got into the habit of writing it was wonderful. I believe it took about a month for this to happen, so if you are willing to spend an hour each day for the next thirty days, you, too, can become a writer.

Once I made the decision to publish books on a variety of topics, I went from writing an article each day, which is about four hundred words, to writing about one thousand words each day. These are typically sections of the book I am currently working on, but this may also include short articles to be submitted to the directories, blog posts, short reports, and eBooks. Everything I write will be eventually repurposed into another format, so it’s almost as though as get two or three times the value of everything I am writing about. You can do the same exact thing to increase your writing productivity.

Make the decision to incorporate writing into your daily life and business. Choose topics that you will be able to write about easily, making it more fun to do. Then get serious about writing and publishing so that you will soon become an author and an expert in your field. Remember that the word author comes from the word authority, so this can be an amazing way to change your life forever.

You will find that opportunities will present themselves in a way you never could have imagined, once you take the step to becoming a published author.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business with your writing is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting Get Started Writing Online to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.

Author: Connie Ragen Green
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Writing How to eBooks – The Difference Between Writing Books & Writing eBooks

In the last few weeks, I’ve run into an issue three times. Now writing isn’t a big subject, so I probably shouldn’t have been surprised. But I was. You see writing also isn’t a subject that evokes passion in people — especially professionals. Or maybe I should say excessive emotions rather than passion. You see writers tend to put their emotions onto the paper, not into their real lives. Maybe that’s one reason writers are such a laid back bunch — we expend the noisy emotions on paper and keep the quiet ones for real life.

In any case, two of these cases involved people claiming that eBooks weren’t real books. And that only printed books were worthy of serious consideration. I must be honest; one of them admitted that digital books — meaning real printed books copied to a digital format — were still valid.

At the same time, I was predicting the effect of the arrival of traditional publishers on the eBook scene.

This got me to thinking since I write both types of books. What is the difference between writing an eBook and writing a traditional book?

It didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to determine what I meant by a book and an eBook. You see eBooks have developed a bad reputation. One that’s deserved. That of being poor quality and being typically a tempest in a teapot. A very tiny teapot.

So I had to put some limits around the terms.

Far too often eBooks are actually just reports with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. They’re really just white papers and extended report length pieces. They’re far too short to be honestly considered as a book or eBook. At most they might fit the definition of monograph. An essay or thesis to be more precise.

And second they are often poorly written and poorly edited. But that’s not a factor of the medium. That’s a factor of the expense and recognition of quality.

But both of these are a vanishing breed. They may last for a short time but the market is going to kill them soon.

On the other hand I also looked at books. And realized that books ran from novelty and executive length all the way up to tomes. So comparing writing different length books was going to be a problem.

The only way to be fair was to compare the same fruit of the writing tree… equal length books of the same type.

So what’s the difference between writing a very long eBook of a hundred pages and an executive length book of a hundred pages?

Does an eBook take less time? Nope.

Does an eBook take less effort? Nope.

Does an eBook take fewer steps? Nope.

Does an eBook take different steps? Not for the writing parts.

So what is the difference?

The publishing step. When writing an eBook you need to format the book in the form it will be sold in. When publishing using a traditional process the publisher does that.

But arguably that’s a publisher’s problem not the writer. And it’s really a function of the use of traditional publishers versus self publishing.

So the answer is… there is no difference. Writing an eBook is exactly the same as writing a traditional book.

Do you want to learn how to write a book in 24 hours? Take my brand new free course here:

Do you want to read more free information like this? Go to my blog:

Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit.

Author: Glen Ford
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How To Write Your Own Self Help Book In 12 Days

Anyone can publish a book these days. With the emergence of POD (publish on demand) companies where authors can write and upload their books for sale to customers on an as needed basis as well as the Kindle book publishing method, many are realizing their dream of holding their very own books in their hand and adding the word AUTHOR to their biographies.

In this article I will teach you the process behind writing your own self help book in 12 days.

Organizing Your Book – Day One

Organizing a book will only take one day as you prepare the outline. Decide on a topic for your book. I usually decide on the name of my book first and it inspires me throughout my writing process.

After you have your topic, write down 10 questions your book will answer concerning your topic. Each of these questions will become your book chapters. Since most books have 10 chapters you can add more if you’d like, but you don’t have to.

Now you should have a book title and a list of questions (chapters). For each question write down as many answers to the question as you can think of. List these answers as bullets under each question. Move through each of your chapters this way until you have outlined all of them.

Writing Your Book – Day Two through Eleven

You can write one chapter a day by deciding which day you want to write and sitting down to do it. You already have the topic questions and the answers, all you have to do is expound on each answer. Use examples, share stories, resources and information to validate your views.

Write out one chapter per day and don’t worry about editing anything, that will come later.

Polishing Your Book’s Structure- Day Twelve

Now that you have the guts of your book written you can go ahead and change the chapter questions to statements. Be creative with your chapter headings. Write headings that will grab attention and also support your book title. Add an introduction to your book that explains why you wrote the book and how the reader will benefit from reading it.

The rest of the process is editing and you’ll have to develop your own strategy for that. For tips on structure, editing, formulating plots for fiction books and how to market your book, I highly recommend that you order Nick Daws’ Course How To Write A Book in 28 Days. This will become your new book writing bible. It was extremely useful to me. I wrote my first self help book in just 6 weeks while a full time graduate student and single mom.

Happy Writing!

Te-Erika Patterson is a journalist and Success Coach who teaches that every fantasy or goal is attainable if the right attitude and approach is used to move toward it. She writes using her personal experience of overcoming obstacles to coach her readers and clients to self awareness and ultimately self appreciation.

Visit her website for more inspirational reading.

Author: Te-Erika Patterson
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Anti-angiogenic Food

Self Publishers Take Charge and Chart Your Own Course!

Are you are ready to take charge of your writing career? It is your time. The world has opened to you. Technology has changed. There has never been a better time for self publishers.

The avenues that are open to you as a writer now are new, innovative, and exciting. You don’t need a “Traditional Publisher”.

I know exactly what you are going through as a self published paperback author. I walked in your moccasins for many, many, miles. I know every inch of the road.

Here’s what I know about you:

You are passionate about writing.
You put thousands of hours into your manuscript.
You wrote it and rewrote it countless times.
Your editor tells you, you are good to go and you have a winner.
You sought out publishers and agents and followed their submission guidelines to a tee.
You waited and waited in eager anticipation for their decision.

Two years later, here’s what else I know about you after you’ve been rejected by publishers and agents:

You decided to self publish.
You paid thousands of dollars on printing costs and buying your books.
Your book is now available on and 20,000 bookstores worldwide.
You’ve given the first signed copies to family, friends and the kid next door.
You are ready to make it big.
You nip in and out of blogs and forums and pick up ideas on selling your books.
You signed up for weekly newsletters, webinars and sound advice.
You attend some of the book fairs and festivals to show case your book.
You built your website
You signed up on Harper Collins, with thousands of other hopeful writers.
You did book signings and left your books on consignment in Indie Book Stores.

Now you have pennies in your pocket and nothing in the bank!

Even published authors find themselves in that situation. Their publisher is not out their marketing their book, they are! Authors spend so much time marketing their book and working on their next novel, they can’t focus on the other side of their masterpiece – Turning it into a business!

Unless they come up with a few good best sellers, their book reaches its peak and then declines after 5 to 7 years. The Publisher is not going to keep it on the shelves. Their book becomes an out of print and special order. The Publisher has the next generation of eager unsuspecting authors knocking on their door.

And so it goes. The publisher moves on and stays in business throughout the entire process with, ‘Established since 1938,’ over the door. The author after surrendering all rights to the publisher for 10% of sales, has a bundle of unsold books and, “I once had a best seller,” rolling off his tongue. So now it’s back to obscurity and his day job.

The reality is, unless we as writers chart our own course and focus on an extremely profitable writing career, the above paragraph will ring true for us.

Do you know that you have a unique purpose in life that involves helping others? It is my belief, that you are capable of writing an extraordinary information e-book that will capture the market with that purpose.

If we wait on “Traditional Publishers” to meet the high demand for information books, this era will have passed us all by. Turn your passion for writing and your purpose in life into a lucrative Internet Marketing Business with your self-published e-books!

Learn proven success strategies for self publishing & marketing e-books in today’s fast growing world of e-businesses.

Annette O’Leary-Coggins is an accomplished author and has enjoyed writing for over 10 years. Annette, a savvy Internet Marketer and formally of Hilton Hotels World Headquarters, also enjoys sharing tips on generating loyal customers, referrals and repeat business and anything else you can benefit from.

Author: Annette C O’Leary-Coggins
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Captions contest

Why Your First Stab at Writing a Self-Help Book Isn’t Publishable

If this is your first stab at writing a self-help book, it’s unlikely that you will have the skill set to produce a manuscript that will be able to compete with books already on the market. This is not meant to offend or discourage you. I strongly encourage you to write your book! But I also want you to be realistic about the fact that writing a book requires skills that needs to be learned.

It makes sense if you step back from your situation for a moment. Was the first cake you ever cooked so great that you were ready to have your own cooking show? Was the first picture you drew so fabulous that you hoped to see it in a national art museum? Think about the first time you tried to dance. Were you ready for Dancing with the Stars?

So what are the skills you need to learn to write a competitive self-help book?

1. How to assess the market to tell if your book idea will sell

Just because you want to write a particular book doesn’t mean that anyone else wants to read it. A savvy author knows how to scope out the book market to see what the buying public wants to read next. Notice I said “next”.

Readers all ready have access to the current books on the market. If yours says pretty much the same thing, with minor differences, your book will unlikely be a bestseller. Your job as an author is to look beyond the current moment and write a book that, once it’s written and published, will be fresh, new and innovative.

2. How to clearly identify your readers

If you’ve read any other articles on writing, I’m sure you’ve heard over and over that defining your audience is of utmost importance. That’s what I’m going to tell you, too. First-time writers (myself included) are notorious for wanting to reach a broad audience. Picture a bookstore in your mind for a moment. Can you picture a bookshelf that is labeled “Broad Audience”? No, because it doesn’t exist.

Picture your book on one, and only one, of the shelves in the store. The person who would go to that shelf is your audience. Focus in on that person and no one else.

3. How to structure your book to best communicate your message

A well-written self-help book is not a flow of consciousness. You’ll find a lot of poor advice online these days telling people to write ebooks quickly, without editing or proper structure. I’ve recently seen a service that tells customer to download their blogs so they can be turned into books. If you have a large number of subscribers who already know who you are and are ready to buy from you, perhaps your book will sell.

But your book will not be able to compete in the traditional book market. You might think that there are a lot of poorly written self-help books on the market today. And your may be right. But it’s important to realize that books published through publishers have had the input of numerous publishing professionals such as structural editors, copy editors and proof readers and had numerous revisions before going to press. The cover design and copy were discussed by marketing, sales and promotional professionals. A lot of effort and know-how goes into every book. These books are your competition.

4. How to illustrate your message with compelling stories

One of the major differences between a manual and a self-help book are the stories used to make the message come alive to your readers. Simply saying, “First, do this. Next, do that.” is insufficient for a bestselling self-help book. In fact, the way I am writing this article is not a good example of how to write a self-help book. I’m talking to you, but I’m not illustrating my points with stories. If you’re writing like I am now, you’re not writing a high-quality book. You’re writing a short article in a particular online style. Learning how to tell a great story that emotionally engages your reader is an integral skill of self-help book writing.

Self-help books are selling by the millions, and you can become a bestselling author-if you learn the craft of writing self-help books. It’s something you can definitely learn how to do. The first step for you to become the writer you can be is by recognizing that writing is indeed a set of skills that you need to learn. Don’t become one of the disappointed masses of writers who try to publish their first draft. I want you to succeed-so learn from my mistakes. I’ve made all of the above so I speak from experience. You can do it! I know because you have a message no one else can deliver-and it’s your job to deliver it!

For a FREE copy of my newest workboook, Make Your Hook Sizzle and Sell, a $17 value go to

Are you having trouble finishing your book? Carmen Berry, MSW can help! She is a New York Times bestselling author who authored, co-authored and ghost written over 20 books with top publishers including Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, and Penguin. She has taught aspiring authors how to get published for 10 years.

Her coaching draws, not only from her successes, but also from the many mistakes she has made during her 25-year writing career. As a result, her clients can avoid making common-sense blunders that many first-time authors make. It’s okay to be a first-time author as long as you don’t act like an amateur. She works with aspiring writers who love helping people such as mental health professionals, educators, medical professionals, pastors, fitness experts and craft enthusiasts.

What could this same kind of success mean to your career?

Author: Carmen Berry
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