Daily Bible Reading “I Am the Light of the World” (John 8:12)


I Am the Light of the World

Today’s Daily Bible Reading is from John 8:12. “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

In this Scripture, Jesus declares that He is the light of the world and those who follow Him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

Thank God for the light that is shown into this dark and sinful world through His Word. Jesus came and lived and died on this earth that we may be able to walk in the light by accepting Jesus as our Savior.

Once we accept Jesus as our Savior we are to hide His Word in our hearts to help prevent us from sinning. When we read and study God’s Word His light will shine in our lives and cast out the darkness of sin. That light will begin to shine through us into the world.

There are many ways we can let the light of God shine in the world. One way is by sharing His Word with others. Another way is by showing His love to other people through our lives and our actions.


Things to think about:

  • How can we help to shine the light of God in the world?
  • What does the light do to the darkness?
  • How can we know if we have the light of Jesus in our lives?


Prayer of the Day:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You that You let the light shine into this dark sinful world through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sacrificing His life so that we don’t have to live in darkness. Help that light to shine through us into the world. Forgive us of the times we’ve failed to shine Your light into the lives of those who surround us. Help us to shine the light of Your love into the world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verse:


Excerpt from I AM: Jesus, the Son of God


Christian Music Video: “We Are” by Kari Jobe

PS. Thank you for coming to DeborahHBateman.com to study the Bible with us. Please come back again tomorrow and invite your friends and family to join us as well. May God bless you and fill you with His light as you read and study the Bible.


Featured Book:

I AM: Jesus, the Son of God

By Deborah H. Bateman

About the Book:

Jesus asks his disciples the question, “Who do men say that I am?” Then, through different metaphors, He describes who He is.

In I AM: Jesus, the Son of God, Deborah H. Bateman shares biblical illustrations on each of these topics and includes the reason God sent Jesus to the world. This book will help you more fully grasp who Jesus is and His purpose in your life.

I AM: Jesus, the Son of God is the thirty-third book in the Daily Bible Reading Series. The book contains ten Daily Bible Reading lessons. Each lesson consists of a brief commentary by the author, the Daily Bible Reading Scripture, a few questions for consideration or discussion, a prayer, and a Bible Verse to journal or memorize. This book is great as a personal devotional or a group Bible Study. Get your copy today. You will be glad you did.

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Click Here to Subscribe to Deborah H. Bateman and receive Daily Bible Reading Lessons in your inbox. Studying the Bible daily with us will help you understand more about the Bible and how it applies to your everyday life. It will also help you feel closer to God and Jesus by developing a personal relationship with them.


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Recipe for Life

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Daily Bible Reading “I Am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35)

I Am the Bread of Life

Today’s Daily Bible Reading is from John 6:35, 6:48-51.

“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).

In this Scripture, Jesus says that He is the bread of life. When we think of bread we think of food or nourishment. We may think about the manna that was sent to the children of Israel in the desert to fulfill their physical needs in the book of Exodus.

Jesus says those who come to Him will never hunger. He’s not speaking in the physical sense but in a spiritual sense. Have you ever felt hungry in your soul? Have you ever felt empty? Have you ever felt that you needed to be filled up? Jesus is the one who can satisfy that longing in our spirits to be filled.

When we take communion we use bread or crackers, usually unleavened bread, to represent the body of Christ. In John 6:51, Jesus says, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

In this Scripture, Jesus tells us that He is speaking of His body when He says, “I am the bread of life.” He gives us a promise saying those who eat this bread will live forever. He refers to His death on the cross when He says that the bread is His flesh, which He will give for the life of the world.


Daily Bible Reading:

John 6:35, 6:48-51

35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.


48 I am that bread of life.

49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.

51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.


Things to think about:

  • How does the bread represent the body of Christ?
  • How can we partake of this living bread?
  • What are the results of partaking of the living bread?


Prayer of the Day:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for this Scripture where we learn that the bread represents the body of Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, into this world to sacrifice His body for our sins. Help us to accept this sacrifice as payment for our sins. Help us to tell others about the beautiful sacrifice that Jesus made for us all. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verse:

he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

– John 6:35

Excerpt from I AM: Jesus, the Son of God

Christian Music Video: I Am The Bread of Life

PS. Thank you for coming to DeborahHBateman.com. Come back again tomorrow and invite your friends and family to join us for Bible Study.


Featured Book:

I AM: Jesus, the Son of God

By Deborah H. Bateman

About the Book:

Jesus asks his disciples the question, “Who do men say that I am?” Then, through different metaphors, He describes who He is.

In I AM: Jesus, the Son of God, Deborah H. Bateman shares biblical illustrations on each of these topics and includes the reason God sent Jesus to the world. This book will help you more fully grasp who Jesus is and His purpose in your life.

I AM: Jesus, the Son of God is the thirty-third book in the Daily Bible Reading Series. The book contains ten Daily Bible Reading lessons. Each lesson consists of a brief commentary by the author, the Daily Bible Reading Scripture, a few questions for consideration or discussion, a prayer, and a Bible Verse to journal or memorize. This book is great as a personal devotional or a group Bible Study. Get your copy today. You will be glad you did.

Go to: Amazon

Get your copy now!


Have a blessed day,



Daily Bible Reading “Be Thankful” (Psalm 100:4)


Be Thankful

Today’s Daily Bible Reading is from Psalm 100:4 and many other Scriptures.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalm 100:4).

What are some words that remind you of what it means to be thankful? Some of the words I think of are grateful, appreciative, gratitude, and give thanks. We may use the words thanks or thank you to show we are thankful for something.

We have so much for which to be thankful. Think of all the things in our daily lives for which we can be thankful such as our family, homes, food, clothing, etc. One of the things we can be thankful for is this big beautiful world we live in that God created. I love to look around and see how many things I can find for which to give thanks. If we made a practice of doing that every day we would find we have a much more thankful attitude. What are some things for which you are thankful?

This Scripture reminds us that praise and giving of thanks are the keys that unlock the door for us to enter into the presence of God. When we pray these are two of the things we should do before we ever ask God for our needs. He blesses us in so many ways. We have so much for which to thank Him. He wants to know that we appreciate everything he does for us. Doesn’t it make you feel good when someone thanks you for doing something for them?

Having an attitude of gratitude can help your overall well-being. When we are grateful for the things we have we are blessed even more.

There are so many Scriptures in the Bible about giving thanks to the LORD I had a hard time eliminating them and deciding which ones to share on this post.

2 Samuel 22:50 – Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.

There are a lot of verses in the book of Psalms about giving thanks to the LORD. I have included a few of them.

Psalm 18:49 – Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.

Psalm 30:12 – To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.

Psalm 35:18 – I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.

Psalm 97:12 – Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

Psalm 105:1 – O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Psalm 119:62 – At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.

Psalm 136:26 – O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Psalm 140:13 – Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

Even Jesus gives us the example of being thankful when He gives thanks to God in Mark 14:23 – And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it.

Ephesians 5:20 – Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Paul thanks God for the people of Colosse in Colossians 1:3, “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.” Are you thankful for the people in your life? Do you let them know you’re thankful for them?

This Scripture reminds us to give thanks for everything 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

This Scripture reminds us to pray and give thanks for all men including those who are in authority. First Timothy 2:1-2, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

Hebrews 13:15 – By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Revelation 11:17 – Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

I shared all these verses with you to show the wide range of things we have for which to be thankful. I hope this has helped to remind you to be thankful for everything.


 Things to think about:

  • What does it mean to be thankful?
  • What are some things for which we can be thankful?
  • How does it make you feel when someone shows they appreciate what you do for them?
  • What are some ways we can show our thanks to God?


Prayer of the Day:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for these Scriptures which remind us that we have so much for which to be thankful. Help us to show our gratitude to You for all You have done for us. Help us to show our appreciation to others for things they do for us. Help us to live a life of gratitude, being grateful and thankful for everything. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Bible Verse to Journal or Memorize:

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

– Psalm 100:4

If you would like to know more about being thankful check out my book Give Thanks.


Christian Music Video:


PS. Thank you for coming to DeborahHBateman.com to study the Bible with us. Come back again tomorrow. Invite your friends to join us in our Bible Study.


Featured Book:

Give Thanks - 25

Give Thanks

by Deborah H. Bateman and Friends

About the book:

Give Thanks is a Daily Bible Reading Study by Deborah H. Bateman and Friends. Give Thanks contains 21 daily Bible lessons that remind us to have an attitude of gratitude.

Each lesson contains a brief commentary, coordinating Scriptures, a few questions for contemplation or discussion, and a prayer for the day. Give Thanks is a great Bible study for individual or group Bible studies.

Four of Deborah’s friends contributed to the book and one of her friends contributed pictures of nature to remind us to be thankful for God’s creation. May God bless you as you read this book and remember all the things you have to be grateful for and to “Give Thanks” with a grateful heart.

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/k6ex5xn

Get your copy now!

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Daily Bible Reading Lessons in your inbox
at: http://DeborahHBateman.com/subscribe


Have a blessed day,


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Recipe for Life

Daily Bible Reading “The Reason behind Praise” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

The Reason behind Praise

Today’s Daily Bible Reading is by my friend, Amanda Beth. I recently pulled out the journal I have been writing in since 2002. As I was flipping through it, I noticed on every page I wrote about some trial I was going through at the time. Recalling some of the trials brought me to tears, and I wanted to go back and tell myself, “Look ahead! Stop worrying! It works out on the next page! God got me through it!”

If we could write down our problems today and then flip the page ahead and write down: “It all worked out. God got me through it.” How much more would we find ourselves praising God instead of worrying?

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

-1 Thessalonians 5:18

I used to wonder why God tells us to praise Him. I remember thinking, “Does God say that because He needs our praises?” But I knew in my heart that wasn’t the reason. I knew it had to be for our benefit.

God eventually revealed to me why He desires our praises. Years ago, I created an online Praise Report Group where people could come and share how God was working in their lives. When I wasn’t seeing God work in my life, it often encouraged me to see Him work in the lives of others. I knew God was not partial to anyone, so it helped me keep the faith, believing He would work in my life as well. So I created the Praise Report Group to bring encouragement to others.

The site started out well, but then slowly came down to only me posting. During that time of praise, I noticed there was a significant difference in my life. Another woman who had shared her praises during that time expressed the same thing. She felt more joyful when she lifted her heart in praise.

We often wait to praise God until something good happens in our lives, when we should be praising Him before it happens. Praise keeps us looking expectantly to God instead of focusing on our problems.

“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High” (Psalm 9:1-2).

I believe praise shows God that we trust Him. When we trust Him, we won’t be stressed out trying to solve our problems on our own. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

We tend to share with God our prayer requests more often than our praises. Jesus said in Matthew 6:9-10 this is how we should pray, beginning with: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

We are also told in Psalm 100:4 to: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to HIM and praise HIS name.”

Our prayers seem to mostly be, “Father, help ME … give ME … provide for ME … what about ME ….” I had a revelation of this at a church play one year. In one scene, all the individuals on the stage were crying out to God at the same time, each separately sharing his own troubles. Being in the front row, after about a minute of listening to their moans, it started to get overwhelming and I thought, “My gosh! Is that how we sound to You, Lord?”

If I had created a prayer request group, I don’t think it would have ended like my Praise Report Group did. We are gladly willing to share our requests, but not as willing to share our praises.

With Thanksgiving coming up, we often think about what we are thankful for. What if we challenge ourselves to be thankful the other 364 days a year?

I believe we would see our lives dramatically change for the better. We would be content and enjoying our lives, instead of depressed and worried all the time. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus told us not to worry about our lives. He said in verse 33, “Seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and ALL these things will be given to you as well.”

If we spent our days praising God and seeking Him we would find our needs being met. When I am filled with praise and enjoying God, my faith grows and I start trusting Him to provide for my needs. Praise strengthens our faith, which opens the door in our hearts to receive what Jesus died to give us.

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are Yes in Christ. And so through Him the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Everything God has promised in His Word has been given to us through Christ. So when a situation comes up, we should praise God that He has already provided the solution through Jesus.

The solution may not always be what we think it should be, but it will be what we need. In my journal, all my trials didn’t necessarily work out on the next page the way I wanted them to. They did, however, work out for my benefit. I may not have seen the good right away, but looking back now, I can see how God used those trials to teach and equip me for His calling on my life.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

I want to challenge you today to flip the page. Fill your heart and lips with praise that God has already provided the solution to every situation you will ever face. Thank Him every day. Be filled with praise. And watch and see your life change as God works everything out for your benefit.


Things to think about:

  • How can we stand on the promises of God to see us through?
  • How does praising God help our attitude?
  • How does looking back in our life to how God has worked things out encourage us for the future?


Prayer of the Day:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We praise You that You work our trials out for our good. We praise You that You provide for all our needs.  And You never leave us. Help us to remember this as we praise You 365 days a year. You are more than worthy of our praises. We praise You in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.


Bible Verse to Journal or Memorize:


This devotional was contributed by my friend Amanda Beth

Scripture in this devotional is from the NIV version of the Bible.

“Give Thanks” by Deborah H. Bateman and Friends


PS. Thank you for coming to DeborahHBateman.com to study the Bible with us. Come back again tomorrow. Invite your friends to join us in our Bible Study.


Featured Book:

Give Thanks - 25

Give Thanks

by Deborah H. Bateman and Friends

About the book:

Give Thanks is a Daily Bible Reading Study by Deborah H. Bateman and Friends. Give Thanks contains 21 Daily Bible Reading lessons that remind us to have an attitude of gratitude.

Each lesson contains a brief commentary, coordinating Scriptures, a few questions for contemplation or discussion, and a prayer for the day. Give Thanks is a great Bible study for individual or group Bible studies.

Four of Deborah’s friends contributed to the book and one of her friends contributed pictures of nature to remind us to be thankful for God’s creation. May God bless you as you read this book and remember all the things you have to be grateful for and to “Give Thanks” with a grateful heart.

Go to: http://tinyurl.com/k6ex5xn

Get your copy now!


Subscribe to Deborah H. Bateman to receive
Daily Bible Reading Lessons in your inbox.


Have a blessed day,


Recipe for Life

Daily Bible Reading “A Virtuous Woman Is Honorable” (Proverbs 31:20-25)

A Virtuous Woman Is Honorable

Today’s Daily Bible Reading is from Proverbs 31:20-25. At the end of this lesson you can enter for a chance to win a copy of a Proverbs 31 watercolor picture by Maria Watercolor or a copy of the eBook Proverbs 31: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman by Deborah H. Bateman.

We will continue to look at what it means to be a virtuous woman. In this portion of Scripture it says, she gives to the poor and needy. She is a generous person, who helps those less fortunate than herself. In what ways can we help the poor?

She doesn’t worry about the weather because she has prepared her family with appropriate clothing for the season. She clothes herself and her family in the best clothing she can afford. Some women still sew and make clothes for their family. Personally, I can sew some, but I don’t know if I would want to wear what I make.

The Scripture says her husband is known in the gates, which may be partly because of his wife’s influence. She has supported him and helped make a good reputation for him. I am amazed at the talent of some women. They can make anything. They can take something someone puts in the trash and make it new again.

I am crafty to a point, but not as industrious as some women who will get out their paint brush and paint anything. Some women are even good at using tools, which I personally haven’t mastered. I think my husband is afraid I will hurt myself because he isn’t willing to share his tools so much.

I love Proverbs 31:25, which says, “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” She finds the strength to do the things she needs to do. She treats others with honor and in return is honored herself. She not only honors her husband and her family, but she honors God in everything she does. How can we be women of strength and honor? We can only do it with God’s help.


Daily Bible Reading:

Proverbs 31: 20-25

20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.


Things to think about:

  • Are you generous to the poor and needy?
  • Do you have a heart of compassion toward others?
  • Do you try to make sure all of your family’s needs are met?
  • Do you honor your husband and your family by the way you serve them?


Prayer of the Day:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for this Scripture in the book of Proverbs, which tells us what a virtuous woman is. Help us to be this kind of woman, who serves her family, her community, and most of all, serves You. Help us to be strong and honorable like the woman in this passage of Scripture. Help us to be generous and give to the poor and needy. Help us to be the women of God You would have us to be. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verse:

This is an excerpt from Proverbs 31: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman


Christian Music Video: The Joy of the Lord – Twila Paris


Have a blessed day,


Recipe for Life

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