The Interest in E-Readers and Digital Publishing

E-Readers and Ebooks have been gaining a great deal of popularity in recent years. Publishing and the way we take in and absorb media is changing all the time. One of the most notable areas that this is becoming evident is the rise of e- readers and digital books. With many newspapers and magazines around the world closing down and many others moving to more online content there was a huge demand for electronic books and magazines that can easily be read on a handheld device such as an iPod touch, a Sony E-reader, the Amazon Kindle or any of the other devices that have been coming onto the market lately.

Digital books aren’t a new concept though. E-books have been around a good long while now, and while traditional publishing is still the major driving force in the industry, there is a notable and consistent increase in interest in reading on handheld devices. Many globally renowned newspapers, magazines and websites are syndicated to handheld devices every day, offering the same content as in their print editions without the detriment to the environment that printing physical copies can have.

In addition, e-book readers are capable of storing a great deal more content than you would normally be able to carry in its physical form. Buying ebooks has also never been simpler as you can find them from all the major outlets such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and of course the Apple iTunes app store.

Some colleges and universities are also turning to E-books to solve the problem of constantly updating textbooks for students. This is something that is proving to be very beneficial to education, as it compacts the massive amounts of text a student needs to take in, onto one handy device instead of huge reams of paper.

E-book readers are also wonderful for travelling, as you can have a variety of novels, books, magazines, newspapers, blog posts and more in the palm of your hand. In addition, devices such as the iPod touch and the Amazon Kindle offer wireless connectivity all over the world, meaning you are able to update your publications and download more to enjoy.

The digital publishing industry is something that will grow in importance over the coming years, as paper stocks dwindle and production costs rise, many publishers and readers are turning to digital handheld devices over the traditional paper publications in order to maintain great output without having to skimp on quality. No matter what you want to read, there are e-books for you, and there is also a range of superb gadgets available to help you do just that. Check out the best eBook readers that are available online and see which one will best fit your needs.

Andrew is a widely read pop culture blogger, music journalist and SF author. You too can get the hi-tech gadget lifestyle you want with the best home entertainment gadgets around!

Author: Andrew Hawnt
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iPhone iPad apps and games

Self Publishing – What Will it Cost You?

On of the big concerns people have regarding self-publishing their newly completed book is cost. How much is this going to cost me? It’s a valid concern and there are many different opinions. In which format do you want to publish – e-book, paperback, hard cover? Are you trying to make a living as an author? Is this just a hobby? Is your book for family and friends? Do you want to be famous with readers all over the world? The answers to these questions will help determine the cost.

Publishing your book as an e-book is the least expensive way to publish. E-books can be published for free in some cases. Although, most people incur some cost. To sell your book as an e-book all one needs to do is convert the manuscript into a PDF and set up a way for customers to pay for and download your book.

I am going to list all the steps involved in producing a professional book and a range of their costs. What you actually pay will depend on what you can do for yourself, how you outsource what you need to have done and whether or not you purchase a publishing package utilizing an independent publisher, print-on-demand (POD) or a vanity press.

  • ISBN – $40 – $125. If you plan on selling your book through bookstores or online stores such as Amazon your book needs to have an ISBN. These can be purchased directly from Bowker or one can be assigned from a variety of publishing companies. Sometimes included for “free” in publishing packages
  • Bar Code – $25 – $50. Selling your books in traditional brick and mortar bookstores require that your book have a bar code.
  • Editing – $.025 – $.12 per word. This price varies greatly depending on how extensive and the type of editing you need.
  • Proof-Reading – $199 – $500 or more. Varies based on your connections and how long your book is.
  • Formatting/Interior Layout – $149 – $750. Once again depends on how much work needs to be done and who you hire. POD companies have several templates to choose from. An independent publisher may cost slightly more but your format/layout will be just like a traditionally published book.
  • Cover Design – $100 – $1000. What type of cover do you need/want? A totally custom cover will cost significantly more than a cover based on a simple template.
  • Printing – $2.00 – $20.00 a copy or more. This could be the most expensive cost you will incur. This is cost is based on: number of pages, page size, type of paper used and last but not least – the number of copies printed. Discounts are given as the quantities increase. It is cheaper to use digital printing up to 250-500 copies depending on the printer and offset printing for 500 copies or more. It is not uncommon for authors to print 1000-2500 copies on their book.

As a general cost range for someone that wants to independently publish their book (not POD), prepare to spend between $2500 – $6500. That should allow you to produce a professional book and receive between 250-1000 paperback copies of your books.

If you use a vanity press or POD publisher your price range will be between a few hundred dollars up to $10,000 or more. On the low end you will receive 0-5 copies of your book and on the high end you will receive a number of paperback copies, a few hard covers and one leather bound copy as well as a number of marketing tools.

E-book publishing can be free or close to free up to several thousand dollars for someone that needs extensive editing, proofing, interior and cover design.

It is your money and your book. Define your publishing objective first and research all costs prior to spending any money. I wish you much success with the publication of your new book. – Simplie Indie is an e-commerce and resource hub for independent authors and musicians. – Prismatic Publishing is a custom publishing company that works exclusively with independent authors.

Author: Bill P Walker
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iPhone/iPad accessory

Take Advantage Of The Opportunity For All Your Digital Publishing Needs On Android

It can be difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest in Smartphone and tablet technology, with so many different applications and reading availability, but everyone has their lovers and haters. Some people love Android, some people love Apple, but which is the best? The answer is clearer than you may think. The Android is beginning to be a leader in the Smartphone OS battle. Although just a few years ago were merely a curiosity is now a huge and advanced platform. It has an extensive development community that is creating applications for the Android that rival Apple. In this case, that means that marketing your Magazines on Android now will save you money right now and balloon in the very near future.

It is very likely that the Android tablet is going to become as much a force as its counterpart. For anyone that is marketing magazines on Android or any other type of Digital Publishing, this potential is incredible. Android tablets are still a bit rough, but that makes it all the more intriguing. Android has an extensive and proven record, a bionetwork and development community that rivals Apple, and with the raw power of Google to launch it. The future of the Android tablet is exemplary, and with the world’s foremost eReaders set to adopt the Android platforms, the Android tablet is sure to explode on the market.

What does this mean for you and your business? It means that you should think outside the box right now for your future digital publishing marketing of magazines on Android. This positive and quick change in the tablet marketplace is going to launch the Android tablets to the level of Apple, perhaps beyond it. Any type of format that makes good business sense is an excellent opportunity for growth and expansion of business, and you need to have the confidence, know how and brute strength in understanding of what is happening in the technological world right now. Digital publishing is all about your reach, knowledge and grasping at every opportunity available, and this means that it should be in the hands of every person all over the world, regardless of their personal devices they are using. This is why it is imperative to launch your magazines on Android, Apple and more.

All of the platforms that you have access to are used across iPad, Android, and WebOS. All of this will very shortly work in conjunction via HTML5 web applications, as well as keeping informed of the latest and greatest in new technology, OS operating systems and so much more. You deserve to be noticed all over the world, and through the use of the ever-growing Android tablet OS and other unique and incredible emerging platforms, the opportunities are endless. By choosing to run all of your magazines on Android, and all of your other digital publishing needs, you do not have to worry about your platform. All you have to worry about is the content and making money.

Market your content through Magazines on Android For all of your Digital Publishing needs, now and in the future, check out this website.

Author: Adrian Lindsey
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Tissot virtual reality

Indie Press, Small Press, Independent Publishing – What Does it All Mean?

There has never been a better time to be an author and seek publication of your latest novel. The internet has leveled the playing field and allows authors to sell books to fans with no geographical limitations. The challenge though is how does you publish your book. There are so many different publishing terms such as: traditional publishing, self-publishing, print-on-demand, independent publishing, small press, indie press, etc. What do they all mean?

This article is going to explain three of these terms: indie press, small press and independent publishing.

Indie Press – this type of company is independent of any of the major publishing conglomerates and generally focus on a particular niche. These companies take the financial risk in the publication of your book. They pay for all the production costs. These costs include the editing, proofing, interior layout and design, cover design and printing. They may also pay the author a small advance, up to about $2500. The author receives a royalty of about 8%. However, the author will not receive any royalty until the advance and all production costs have been repaid to the publisher. The author then assigns all the rights of the book to the publisher.

Small Press – these companies generally publish 10 or fewer titles per year and have annual revenue of less than $50 million. These companies offer traditional contracts to authors just like the major publishers. They also assume all the financial risk of publishing your book and take all the rights to your book as described above in the indie press description.

Independent Publishing – this is one of the most confusing terms. It is often confused with self-publishing as well as traditional publishing through an independent press. It is really a blending of self-publishing and traditional publishing. The author takes all financial risk but retains the books rights and also the bulk of the profits from selling the book. The publisher provides book production expertise which helps the author produce the best possible book. The publisher is responsible for choosing the printer and editing, proofing, interior design and layout and cover design if the author needs these services. As mentioned before, it is the author’s responsibility to cover the costs of these services. The author uses the publisher’s knowledge, expertise and connections to get these production services professionally done and reasonable prices.

If you choose to use an Indie Press or Small Press, make sure you have an attorney read through the contract to help you understand which rights you retain and which rights you are assigning to the publisher.

You have written a great book. It is now time to publish it and make it available to your fans all over the world.

Bill Walker – Independent Publishing Coach, expert in independent publishing. Visit my website at

Author: Bill P Walker
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Panasonic Lumix G2

The Rise of eBooks in the Digital Publishing World

No one was able to believe that the publishing world would change so much in such a short amount of time. However the rise of eBooks in the digital publishing world has forever changed the landscape of publishing.

Think back to a time before the internet. It’s hard to imagine now that our lives are surrounded by it, but there was a time when we didn’t rely so heavily on technology. Now we can reach the internet on cell-phones and access it with our laptops almost wherever we go. Believe it or not, there were eBooks when the internet first started becoming popular, but they were not practical at the beginning. Before the days of wireless hot-spots and wired coffee shops, getting an eBook meant sitting at home in front of your computer and reading the book you just purchased. Many people were bothered by the brightness of the screen and many more were disappointed at not being able to interact with the book. These were just two of the main reasons why eBooks didn’t start out as popular as they are today.

With those issues in mind, there were several devices created that made getting an eBook more like having an actual book in your hands. This innovation alone spurred the popularity of eBooks everywhere. These devices made it possible to interact with the book, fold pages and were not hard on the eyes the way computer screens can often be. The digital publishing world exploded with a demand for eBooks that could be purchased and downloaded immediately from a device or computer and then accessed for as long as one would want.

The one part of this whole process that has been challenging is convincing authors to allow their published books to be turned into eBooks and sold, in most cases, for considerably less than in bookstores. Many authors were a hard sell because they often believed that the whole eBook phenomena would soon pass. Therefore, as demand started rising, many publishers were unable to meet a sufficient supply.

Soon people began to slowly realize that the rise in popularity of eBooks was not a fad at all. This was an aspect of publishing that was here to stay because of the vast improvements that were made over the last few years. Now eBook sales are up and regular book sales are down. Fewer people are interested in buying a bulky book that will gather dust after they have finished reading it. Books have gone the way of compact discs when the mp3 was created. People love having an option that will cut down on the clutter in their house and give them access to music and reading material wherever they go. Those people that doubted eBooks ability to be popular in the main-stream could not have been more wrong.

Digital publishing was big before, but now it has become immense with the rise in popularity and accessibility of the eBook.

Martin Alan enjoys writing on subjects such as literature, online publishing, online magazine self publish. He also enjoys keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in technology and online marketing.

For more information on online publishing click here;

Author: Martin Alan
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