Have you ever felt like it was time to realign your priorities? I am writing this post to share from my heart with my family, friends, followers and fans to let you know that I am making some changes. Over the past three years I have put my heart, soul and life into the ministry that God has called me to do. I will continue to do that, but I feel like I need to make some changes in order to be able to sustain the ministry and serve you better.
My husband has wanted me to not work on the weekends for quite some time, but I didn’t feel the freedom to do that until now. There have been some changes in our lives recently in that he got a new job and because of that I have the opportunity to travel with him.
Because most of my work is online at this point I can work from anywhere. I have decided to take the opportunity so that I can spend more time with my husband. Life is short and we aren’t promised tomorrow.
I feel that by changing my focus and working Monday through Friday during business hours I will allow myself some freedom as well. I will be able to spend more time with my husband during the week and on the weekends. I will be able to spend time with my children and grandchildren on the weekends as well. I will also be able to schedule time for writer’s meetings, writer’s conferences, church activities and women’s ministry.
I guess you are asking what does this have to do with you. I have been posting seven days a week for the past three years on Daily-Bible-Reading.com and BibleVerseTweet.com. Starting today I will be posting Monday through Friday. There is plenty of content there that I have created in the past three years in the archives for those of you who want to view it on the weekends.
At times I have felt burned out and exhausted. I have felt over worked and under paid. I have also experienced some physical issues. Due to my own physical well-being and the need to realign my schedule I feel these changes are absolutely necessary. I feel I will be able to get some much needed rest and will be able to focus better when I am working.
I love serving you and am excited about what God has done in the past and what He has planned for the future. There will be more books. I plan on publishing one book a month in the Daily-Bible-Reading Series over the next year. I also am planning on publishing another book in the Simplified Series in the next year. I am working on a coaching program to go along with Self-Publishing Simplified: How to Publish a Book on Kindle that I hope to release soon where I will be teaching other writers how to publish their books.
God has been good to me. He has blessed me with a wonderful family that I dearly love. He has blessed me with a ministry where I can serve Him and share with you. He has blessed me with many wonderful friends, followers and fans and I am grateful for every one of you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as I move forward for His glory.