The Book of Zechariah: A Story of Dreams and Visions is a Daily Bible Reading study by Deborah H. Bateman. It is a study of Zechariah from the Old Testament of the Bible. Zechariah was a prophet during Old Testament times. He tells of eight dreams or visions he has where the LORD communicates with him.
The Book of Zechariah: A Story of Dreams and Visions is a Daily Bible Reading study by Deborah H. Bateman. It is a study of Zechariah from the Old Testament of the Bible. Zechariah was a prophet during Old Testament times. He tells of eight dreams or visions he has where the LORD communicates with him.
In the beginning of the book the LORD is beckoning His people to return to Him and He will return to them. The dreams that Zechariah has are dreams that are pertinent to his day as well as dreams about the future.
The Book of Zechariah: A Story of Dreams and visions contains twenty-two Daily Bible Reading Lessons that take you through the entire book of Zechariah. Each lesson contains a commentary by the author, the Scriptures for Daily Bible Reading, a few questions for contemplation called “Things to think about,” and a Prayer for the Day. It is a great book for individual or group Bible studies.
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Thanks, Sandra!
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