What do Vernon Davis and Tia Torres have in common? Both have a unique expression for what they are called to do AND they’re living their life’s work.
Top-ranked NFL tight end and 49ers star Vernon Davis, owns Gallery 85, an exclusive art gallery in Santana Row in San Jose, California. Gallery 85 offers a wide range of visual artists a venue for high-end exposure for their work while raising funds for the Vernon Davis Foundation for the Arts, which promotes arts education and art appreciation for at-risk youth and awards college art school scholarships for talented inner-city youth.
Some would say Vernon’s life’s work is to be a great tight end, while others would say it is running his nonprofit organization. Another perspective is that both are part of his life’s work.
Then there’s Tia Torres, an iconic figure who rescues pit bulls. What started as a part-time interest in rescuing dogs has become Tia’s life’s work. Having worked as a gang counselor at one point in her career, her passion for rescuing animals turned into what is now known to millions as the TV show Pit Bulls and Parolees.
In the late 1990s, during a visit to a local animal shelter, Tia met a four-year-old pit bull, which made a huge impression on her. She touched Tia’s heart and was instrumental in Tia’s pursuing her new calling. The journey to save pit bulls was a rough one with many obstacles along the way. But with her big “why” always in the forefront of her journey, Tia overcame incredible obstacles to become known as one of the most powerful dog rescuers of all time.
Because of Tia’s work, thousands of pit bulls destined to be throw-away dogs now live in loving homes. Her work not only saved these amazing creatures, but she has transformed the misunderstanding people had about pit bulls into love.
It is now easier to get the word out about what Tia and others like her are doing to make a difference in the world. There have been amazing advances in communication technology since the time when she first began her rescue mission.
Whatever your calling, what is your bigger “why?” Certainly there are times when things get really tough for Tia Torres and her pit bull rescue program. What allows her to stay the course is that her commitment is bigger than she is.
It’s the same with Vernon Davis. At times there are likely challenges he must overcome to stay the course. Yet, he does. And through Internet and social media marketing he has been able to raise awareness about the needs of talented inner-city artists in a much bigger way.
We are often led to believe that there should be no struggles, no hardships, no obstacles in pursuing our dreams. Give me a break! There will be times when things are a challenge, and it is often the challenges that inspire us in our true calling.
This post is an excerpt from Power Up for Profits: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online Marketing by Kathleen Gage.
Power Up For Profits: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online
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Top-ranked NFL tight end and 49ers star Vernon Davis, owns Gallery 85, an exclusive art gallery in Santana Row in San Jose, California. Gallery 85 offers a wide range of visual artists a venue for high-end exposure for their work while raising funds for the Vernon Davis Foundation for the Arts, which promotes arts education and art appreciation for at-risk youth and awards college art school scholarships for talented inner-city youth.
Some would say Vernon’s life’s work is to be a great tight end, while others would say it is running his nonprofit organization. Another perspective is that both are part of his life’s work.
Then there’s Tia Torres, an iconic figure who rescues pit bulls. What started as a part-time interest in rescuing dogs has become Tia’s life’s work. Having worked as a gang counselor at one point in her career, her passion for rescuing animals turned into what is now known to millions as the TV show Pit Bulls and Parolees.
In the late 1990s, during a visit to a local animal shelter, Tia met a four-year-old pit bull, which made a huge impression on her. She touched Tia’s heart and was instrumental in Tia’s pursuing her new calling. The journey to save pit bulls was a rough one with many obstacles along the way. But with her big “why” always in the forefront of her journey, Tia overcame incredible obstacles to become known as one of the most powerful dog rescuers of all time.
Because of Tia’s work, thousands of pit bulls destined to be throw-away dogs now live in loving homes. Her work not only saved these amazing creatures, but she has transformed the misunderstanding people had about pit bulls into love.
It is now easier to get the word out about what Tia and others like her are doing to make a difference in the world. There have been amazing advances in communication technology since the time when she first began her rescue mission.
Whatever your calling, what is your bigger “why?” Certainly there are times when things get really tough for Tia Torres and her pit bull rescue program. What allows her to stay the course is that her commitment is bigger than she is.
It’s the same with Vernon Davis. At times there are likely challenges he must overcome to stay the course. Yet, he does. And through Internet and social media marketing he has been able to raise awareness about the needs of talented inner-city artists in a much bigger way.
We are often led to believe that there should be no struggles, no hardships, no obstacles in pursuing our dreams. Give me a break! There will be times when things are a challenge, and it is often the challenges that inspire us in our true calling.
This post is an excerpt from Power Up for Profits: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online Marketing by Kathleen Gage.
Power Up For Profits: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online