Book Launch
To celebrate the launch The Book of Titus: Paul’s Letter to Titus
We are offering it for FREE!
As a bonus we are offering two of our
most recent books for only 99 cents each.
The Book of 1 Timothy: Paul’s First Letter to Timothy
The Book of 2 Timothy: Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy
Get your copies now!
The celebration begins Wednesday, 7/31/2013
and goes through Friday, 8/2/2013

The Book of Titus: Paul’s Letter to Titus
About the book:
The Book of Titus: Paul’s Letter to Titus is a Daily-Bible-Reading study by Deborah H. Bateman. Titus is considered to be one of the Pastoral Epistles along with 1 and 2 Timothy. Paul wrote these letters to help instruct the leaders of the churches how to handle certain situations and how to properly establish the churches of his day. The book of Titus is found in the New Testament of the Bible right after 2 Timothy.
The Book of Titus: Paul’s Letter to Titus contains six daily Bible lessons. Included in each lesson is a brief commentary, the Daily Bible Scripture, a few questions for contemplation or discussion which Deborah calls: Things to think about, and a prayer. This Bible study is good for personal or group studies.
To download your FREE copy!

The Book of 1 Timothy: Paul’s First Letter to Timothy
About the book:
The Book of 1 Timothy: Paul’s First Letter to Timothy is a Daily-Bible-Reading study of the book of 1 Timothy by Deborah H. Bateman. Paul addresses several issues concerning the church in his letter to Timothy as he encourages Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. He includes the qualifications for bishops and deacons, as well as the care for widows in the church. Paul also addresses some issues concerning women of the church and how they should conduct themselves. Paul’s letters were not only relevant to his day, but are also relevant to the world we live in today.
The Book of 1 Timothy: Paul’s First Letter to Timothy contains fourteen daily Bible lessons consisting of a brief commentary, the daily Bible Scripture, several questions for discussion and contemplation, and a prayer of the day. This is a great study for personal or group Bible studies.
To download your copy for only 99 cents!

The Book of 2 Timothy: Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy
About the book:
The Book of 2 Timothy: Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy is a Daily-Bible-Reading Study Book of the book of 2 Timothy by Deborah H. Bateman. Paul writes this letter to encourage Timothy and also to warn him.
The letter was written to Timothy, who was the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians. It was written by Paul, during his second imprisonment in Rome. Paul had suffered much persecution and desertion by those he loved and served with, but still he gave the Lord the praise for always standing by him no matter what happened. Paul exhorts Timothy by letting him know that things won’t always be easy, but whatever you go through if you have the Lord on your side you can get through it.
The Book of 2 Timothy: Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy contains nine daily Bible lessons consisting of a brief commentary, the daily Bible Scripture, a few questions for for contemplation or discussion called “Things to think about,” and a prayer of the day. It is great for both personal and group Bible study and devotions.
To download your copy for only 99 cents!
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