Self-Publishing – Can It Be Done?

In the past self-publishing a book was next to impossible unless you were very rich, and very sure that you were able to sell the book once it was printed. Whilst sending a manuscript to publishers promises much less work to the writer who is then free to do what he does best; write stories, there are now alternatives. The obvious path of making a download-able eBook can often be a poor choice because books which people can feel are still favored. After these two choices all that remains is self-publishing.

Any writer will eventually meet the obstacle called marketing but the self-publisher has the added problem that once his books are printed he needs to find a way to distribute them effectively. This involves dealing with bookstores both online and offline in order that the books may actually be purchased. Advertising the book thereafter can be accomplished through many different means. The bottom line being that the writer needs to communicate the idea of the story at every opportunity and any way he can. It could be through sample chapters online, or viral videos that relate to the storyline, or even a simple review by somebody offline or online. The more people that catch even the remotest glimpse of the book, the more people that are likely to think “I wonder if it is any good… it sounds alright”. Books don’t sell themselves. Just for a moment imagine yourself receiving a delivery of books to your door, and at that moment you have to find an audience to sell them all to. This is probably the part you didn’t dream about when you chose to become an author.

At the very forefront of self-publishing technology is the ability to print copies of books as they are needed minimizing the risk that writers face with their hard-earned cash. offer a service whereby the writer can create a book for free which is then available to buy through popular bookstores such as and Barnes and Noble amongst others (note: purchasable worldwide). This leaves the writer with a slightly smaller task of getting the book known through any means he/she can possibly think of.

Helping you on your way to becoming a successful writer []

Author: Harry Hillier
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Digital economy, mobile technology