Book Writing Mistakes That Block The Completion of Your Book

What’s blocking you from releasing your significant message in a book this year? For many, an unfinished manuscript is the culprit. No worries; read this article to finish strong and sell sooner than you imagined.

Don’t make the simple mistakes that blocked many of us for years. A wildly successful book could be in your near future. But you’ll never know if you don’t complete and release it to the world.

To make sure you finish strong and your book garners all the attention it deserves, start with correcting the simple book writing mistakes below:

Mistake 1 Failure to make the editor’s cut.

Many inexperienced writers are in love with their words. They can’t bear to part with the long wordy prose in their manuscript. Shorten your stories and examples. Use the popular question answer format. Ask a question in the heading; then answer it in the text. Most audiences are busy and respond better to this easy direct style.

Solution: Go ahead you can do it. Edit your book and cut anything not necessary to support your thesis (main central point). Editor cuts make your book concise, easy-to-read, and compelling for your readers. They will reward you by reading it and telling all their friends about your easy to read helpful book.

Mistake 2 Failure to submit one’s writing to a professional editor

First time authors settle for the easiest opinion to get (their family and friends). Always get a professional opinion of the final edition. Someone not blinded by love and concern for your feelings will tell you the truth about your wordiness or grammar mistakes. They’ll help you weed out passive constructions like, “there is”, “is”, “has”, “begin or start”. A professional editor will energize your writing by limiting the “ly” adverbs that tell instead of show. A good editor will spot your tense changes.

Solution: Invest in your book to make it the best it can be. Make it your goal to paint a picture that your readers respond to with their emotions. Professional proofreading pays off with more book profits.

Mistake 3 Failure to know your audience.

Aspiring authors gather all their extensive knowledge and write a book. They often fail to consider the audience they will serve. Write for a specific audience. Top selling books focus on one topic for one audience at a time. Your audience waits for the easy to read and easy to implement solutions you provide in your book. Save them time and money, make life more enjoyable, help them profit; they will love you for it.

Solution: Today choose one or two of your audiences; prepare a profile of their needs or problems. Keep it close to your book writing station. With a targeted market, you’ll write a book for an audience that’s looking for solutions.

Mistake 4 Failure to sizzle your title to sell well.

Titles set the stage for your potential audience. They either work to grab your reader by the collar and pull them in for the read or they don’t. Top titles create excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm for more. You want your titles to express the heart and passion of your book or be ‘the match’ that ignites your reader’s interest in reading your important message.

Solution: Develop this valuable skill and you add magnetic pulling power and punch to all your marketing documents including your front book cover and chapter titles that will get your message read. Remember, don’t stop at your book cover title, sizzle your chapter titles, headlines, bullets and sell more.

Mistake 5 Failure to focus on one main topic.

Top selling authors focus on one main topic. They make sure each chapter supports that subject. If you scatter your focus, you’ll come across as unorganized, long winded, and boring. Your readers may find your book hard to understand.

Solution: Instead of an encyclopedia type book, chunk your information into modules, segments, chapters or parts. In each segment, offer plenty of detail to make it useful to your reader.

To continue with these book writing mistakes could mean your book never reaches the audience for which it was designed. On the other hand, you could finish strong and put your book into the hands of those waiting for your easy to read solutions. Don’t make them wait any longer. Go to your destiny; write and complete a wildly successful book.

Earma Brown, 12 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Earma mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine “iScribe.” Send any email to for free mini-course “Jumpstart Writing Your Book” or visit her at Book Writing Tips

Author: Earma Brown
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Self-Publishing Simplified Coaching Program

Self Publishing Simplified: How to Publish a Book on Kindle

Self Publishing Simplified: How to Publish a Book on Kindle
By: Deborah H. Bateman


Join Deborah H. Bateman’s Coaching Program to go along with her new book

Self-Publishing Simplified:

How To Publish a Book on Kindle




In the book: Self-Publishing Simplified: How to Publish a Book on Kindle. Deborah shares a little about her journey in becoming an author. She also shares the elements required to publish a Kindle eBook and discusses them. She shares about her experience with the Kindle Direct Publishing Select Program and gives tips on how to promote your book once it is published. A lot of these tips can be for eBooks on Kindle as well as traditionally published books.

In Deborah’s group coaching program she will have handouts to go with the chapters in the book. She will also share even more tips and some PDF’s with more of her favorite FREE sites to use for promotion, and other tips to help you follow her strategies of promoting your books.

Some of the things we will discuss in even more detail are:

  • What is your passion?
  • Building your online platform
  • How to Publish a Book on Kindle
  • How to promote your book once it is published
  • The Kindle Select Program
  • How to Promote FREE Days

Deborah has created a private community with a private Facebook group where we can share and ask questions. Deborah will schedule a private call with each student in the coaching program to help guide them in the publishing process.

Sign up today for Self-Publishing Simplified Coaching and get started publishing your book right away.

Deborah is offering a special introductory rate of only $100. Many such coaching programs cost thousands of dollars, but Deborah is offering this program at a low price in order to help aspiring authors get started. You can use your paypal account to issue payment. If you don’t have a paypal account it is easy to set up at:








Book Writing Template – Write a Book Listing Your Best Advice

When considering writing a business book many aspiring authors spend too much time contemplating the perfect book. One that they think will revolutionize their industry and change the world. When in fact most often the most valuable resource anyone has is by giving the reader something simple that works.

So how can you write something that will be received as highly valuable by everyone who reads it?

Simple start by creating a list of at least 25 main points that you wish to share, then create a list of 4 sub points for each main point. Next just begin to collect lists like this exampled below;

If you were to create a list of the best places to visit while in Rome Italy and then tell the reader something about each place that helps them learn something about them you will have been able to captivate and really benefit the reader. Mention the Vatican and then list 4 reasons why people should go their.

Or you might create a list of the best places on the Internet for specialized concierge services, such as groceries delivered right to your door, or specialized or customized travel services. Again spend some time explaining why each suggestion is valuable to the reader in your 4 sub points.

You might even just create a list of the top 75 newest Architecture Design Tools for 2011, as you can see the list is easily endless. It just takes a little creativity in deducing what your reader would be really interested in or at least interested in enough to spend $10 – $20 to have.

You can also write lists that share the best places for college students living off campus in Chicago. Start with the best place to find housing, entertainment, employment etc – then list the 4 reasons for each that make them so wonderful. Or you can even come up with 25 profitable ways for single mothers to make a second income online, start with blogging and then list 4 reasons that, that is one of the best ways.

If you’re ready to go to learn more just go to: []  for FREE articles, videos and audios that will help you write your own book and build your platform, promotions, publicity and profits.

Paul Godines helps Authors with the Publishing Process, building the Authors Marketing Platforms (social media, products, coaching programs) Book Promotions (virtual book tours, amazon best seller campaigns, book award competitions) and receiving Publicity for your Book (Radio/TV and in Print.)

Author: Paul Godines
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Humorous photo captions

How to Write a Book and Get Published Guide

Do you want to write a book? If you start writing and get around 80,000 words then you can already publish a book.

That is how writing a book and getting it published works or is it? If you think that it is easy than your chances to sell the book are very slim. In order to sell the book, you need to know the type of book that you want to write just before you start writing it and also if there is an audience for the topic you write. You need to convince the publisher that the book that you write will have a large audience to read it.

What type of book are you planning to write?

By reading a book and getting ideas from it, new writers will get inspired and write a book based on it.

They don’t think who would want to read it.

The type of books can be divided by 2 categories namely truth or lies or better known as non fiction and fiction (novel).Thousands of books are published each year for both fiction and non fiction. You must choose to write fiction or non fiction based books.

For example after you read a Harry Potter novel, you got an idea to write your own children’s novel. You pour out your ideas and write everything on your pc and the pages piles up.

You feel that you write a good story and you ask yourself where would in the bookstore that they will put my book?

If you don’t have any idea then go to a bookstore and imagine where would they put your book, is it in the children’s section, romance or mystery section.

If you like to read and inspired by Harry Potter and you write a children’s book, just imagine your book is on the same shelves as Harry Potter novels.

This is not a fantasy. You need to know what you are planning to write. The publisher or agent will want to know what your book is all about in the first place.

In conclusion you need to research the book that you want to write and make sure there is an audience for it and eagerly want to read your book.

Get How to write a book and get published complete course

Author: Jamie Dian
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Group deal, group purchase, group discount

10 Book Writing Mistakes That Stop Your Book Dream In Its Tracks, P1

Did you start writing your book and quit? Yes, I know you’re not a quitter. Like many of us, you may be making some simple mistakes that block your book’s progress and success. Correct the following mistakes; complete your book and prosper:

Mistake 1: Failure to start small

Inexperienced book writers aim too high. Don’t try to fit everything you know or researched into a one big book. Plan too big and you may end up with a monster book that turns your potential readers off. Remember many people in the new millennium are busy and impatient. They look for short, quick easy reads.

Solution: Plan a short book first. If you have loads of interesting information, consider breaking your book into parts. Even a series of books is better than one large volume in the non-fiction genre.

Mistake 2: Failure to educate oneself about book writing

Many novice book writers fail to educate themselves about book writing. If you’ve never traveled this road before, enroll in a book writing course. If you have little time, sign up for an email course to jumpstart your writing. Invest in your book project by hiring a professional editor to edit your work.

Solution: Invest time to learn about book writing. A client of mine said, “I want to invest in my work but I have no budget to start with.” No worries; more book writers than you know have started with a low to no-string budget. Enroll in free book writing courses. Invest time in learning to self-edit your work until you can afford to hire a professional.

Mistake 3: Failure to target your audience

If you fail to pinpoint who you are writing for, your chapters will lack focus. Your copy will fail to connect with readers. If you do manage to hook your readers, most won’t make it to the end of your book. Beginning writers who make this mistake bore their readers with flat, lack luster writing.

Solution: Target your book audience. Create a profile of your reader. Write down their complaints, their needs and/or problems that your book solves. Write your book to that person. You will have tight focused copy that compels your reader to keep reading to the end.

Mistake 4: Failure to develop a sizzling title and back cover first

Most newbie book writers stall at this one. They don’t realize a hot title helps the author stay motivated. Additionally, writing the back cover first helps crystallize your book’s message. With a clear message in front, you can write compelling copy that draws your readers to keep reading.

Solution: Develop a hot title and back cover first to write tight focused copy that sells. A hot title includes the top benefit of the book. It is usually short, clear and/or tells a story.

Mistake 5 Failure to keep writing in the midst of everyday life

Many writers believe you have to get away from everything to write a successful book. No you don’t. I know several novelist and non-fiction book writers who had to write during a long commute to get their best book written and out to the world. They accomplished it because they systematically worked on their book until it was done.

Solution: Avoid marathon writing. In the midst of your busy life, designate your time to write (work on your book) with a goal to completion.

You may not make all of these mistakes. Yet one or two will stop your book dream in its tracks. Your audience is waiting. Implement the above solutions, get your book written, release it to the world and prosper.


© Earma Brown, 11 year author and business owner helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Author of ‘Write Your Best Book Now’, she mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine ‘iScribe’ Subscribe now at for FREE mini-course ‘Jumpstart Writing Your Best Book’ or visit Get Paid to Write a Book for more book writing tips

Author: Earma Brown
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