The New Ebook Publishing Paradigm

The future of publishing nonfiction ‘How to” eBooks is at a turning point. The industry will drastically change over the next few years. This change will be brought about through the use of better niche finding tools and the ability to monetize the new mini-web site model or so called landing page.

The Old Paradigm

We have all searched the WEB for important information and found a site offering just the information we were looking for in the form of an eBook. The site is a one page landing or pitch page and describes the virtues and benefits the book has to offer. No other pages or additional information is available. The owner of the site uses a pay-per-click program and one of many affiliate programs such as ClickBank to generate traffic to the site. For many publishers this model or paradigm has worked great. For example, the eBook Fat Loss for Idiots generated over 21 million in sales in a 12 month period according to ClickBank. Others have also done very well financially using this model. But, newer tools and technological advances in the eBook publishing arena will add more keyword markets and make it more probable to attain this type of world class financial performance.

The New Paradigm

The new paradigm will open thousands of smaller keyword based markets for eBook publishers. Although these new markets will be smaller in size and not likely to produce 21 million in sales in twelve months, the smaller size will allow the publisher to “own” their keyword space; thereby avoiding the necessity to use expensive pay-per-click services. Consequently, although the total revenue from smaller markets may be less, profitability will be higher since pay-per-click programs will not be needed. In addition, the smaller size markets will necessitate additional eBooks be published to generate world class revenue growth. So, more eBooks sold into smaller markets equals’ higher profitability.

To create a world class financial performance using the old model you needed a “hit” eBook. By definition, hits have a low probability of occurring. The new approach reduces this risk by spreading out the earning potential over many eBooks which are sold into smaller markets improving the possibility of consistent and higher profitability. It is generally accepted, that relevant content on your web site combined with a good linking programs will lead to being placed on the first page of Google’ search results. This is what we mean by owning the keyword. If you can attain first page placement, no need for a pay-per-click program, since your site is already on the first page of the search results. Problem is how much content and how many links do we need to get first page placement? Tools are now available allowing us to make these types of judgment calls.

Although others are available, BrainStormIt by SightBuildIt is designed to find this type of information. For example, using the BrainStormIt tool, you can rank keyword based market niches by size and the amount of competition likely to be found in the space. The ranking ability is used to estimate the amount of time it will take to build out a mini-site in term of pages to accomplish first page Google placement. However, if you choose a keyword market that is too small you will not make any money selling your eBook since there will be no real market to sell into. So, BrainStormIt provides a profitability rank which will give you the ability to get just the right size market niche. Not so big so that it takes years to get first page placements but just the right size so first page placement is available quickly and profitably.

The New Paradigm Advantages

The smaller market size and first page placements deliver many other advantages. With a mini-web site that contains relevant content, the possibility to sell – in addition to your own eBook – other related information products as an affiliate, significantly improves the profitability of the mini-site. Unlike the old paradigm which only contains a single landing page, the new paradigm uses a mini-web site allowing for other monetizing techniques such as AdSense Ads, affiliate marketing, audio products, video products, membership services, joint ventures, ad space sales and so on. These monetizing techniques lead to higher profitability. This is a powerful new approach for eBook publishers. These tools open up a broad array of new markets for the publishers of eBooks. When these new tools are combined with other changes in the eBook publishing industry such as new eBook readers, eBook popularity on mobile devices such as the iPhone and the significant increase in Amazon eBook sales the growth advantages for the new paradigm is clear and evident.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” Benjamin Franklin

Larry Vingelman is a well known business consultant and publisher. Go to for a free chapter download of his new eBook How to Create Wealth Publishing eBooks. Also available is a free financial template detailing the advantages of publishing many books into small markets.

Author: Larry Vingelman
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