The Advantages of Self-Publishing

While there has traditionally been a stigma attached to self-publishing, for some writers the option to self-publish has many advantages.

Advantage 1: Self-publishing allows you to make a much larger profit on each book sold. If you already have a channel to sell your books, self-publishing can make the writing/publishing process more profitable than having your book traditionally published. Writers who frequently speak at conferences, for example, might benefit more from self-publishing than from using a publisher.

Advantage 2: Self-publishing gives you complete control over your editorial and design. If you want to use your book to brand either yourself or your company, you can use your cover in ways a traditional publisher would probably not consider. You can be much more free with plugs to your own products and services in a self-published and not be concerned that they’ll be edited out.

Advantage 3: Self-publishing allows you to set the timeline. If your book is related to a current or upcoming event, you can push your schedule to ensure that you have printed copies of your book on-hand when that event happens. A publishing house has its own schedule that doesn’t necessarily coincide with yours. It will likely take much longer to see your book in print than if you self-publish.

Advantage 4: When you self-publish, you retain all copyrights. If your printed book doesn’t sell the way you expected, or if you really want to re-purpose it as a video or ebook, with a traditional publisher you are stuck. Your contract likely prohibits you from using your content in any way without them. As a self-publisher, you can create ebooks, articles for your website, videos, or booklets from your book’s content without contractual repercussions.

Of course, being a self-publisher also has its hardships. You need at least some initial financial outlay to self-publish a professional looking book, and if the book fails to sell, there is no one to blame but yourself.

However, for the adventurous, sales-minded writer, self-publishing may be the best of all possible worlds.

Wendy Woudstra has been writing about publishing and book marketing for more than a decade. Learn more about book promotion at her website,

Author: Wendy Woudstra
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