Online Publishing Opens Doorways of Opportunity

Words written for distribution and consumption in cyberspace are almost instantly available at the touch of a button, unlike physical books which require more physical movement and activity plus time to access, such as driving to a library, looking for a book in a stack of other books, and holding and carrying the book.

Online publishing is a very different medium than print publishing, and although it’s been around for about a decade, it has not replaced print publishing or made it obsolete. It is challenging print publishing though, especially in the arenas of educational textbooks and marketing and advertising. Computers are almost required for schoolwork now, even in grade schools. The costs of moving to online or e-texts for education are being given serious consideration and we may soon see the end of the forty-pound backpack full of heavy books.

Online marketing and advertising grinds out almost infinitesimal e-content, saving money on paper, television, and other forms of advertising and getting in front of many eyes per second. Online publishing is developing in innovative and interesting ways daily, interactive communities, virtual business, average and professional people blogging, webcasting, podcasting, and video casting, among many other mediums of communication. The possibilities are staggering.

There are many benefits and advantages of online publishing, which are challenging almost every kind of print media. The wide, almost instantaneous, easy, and cost-effective distribution of materials, faster results, and possibility for interactivity with e-publishing is hard to match with printed materials.

Electronic publishing includes media such as CD-ROMs, E-books, electronic journals, online newspapers and magazines, file sharing, podcasting, and collaborative software. E-books go back to 1971, to Project Gutenberg, the oldest digital library, a catalogue of digitalized full texts of books in the public domain. It now has over 28,000 documents in many different languages at Anyone who sits down at a computer with internet access can read “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte, or “Dracula” by Bram Stoker, as well as see which are the most-read books and most-read authors as of yesterday, as of the last 7 days, and as of the last 30 days. E-book reading devices give readers instant access to books and magazines anywhere and everywhere, carrying one electronic device to be able to read literally unlimited numbers of texts without physically carrying or handling more than one item.

While there are some limitations to electronic publishing, like lack of a physical object in the audience’s hands and long shelf life, weak standards and controls in writing and reporting, and online media diluting traditional media and journalism, the future of online publishing is wide open. Interactive advertising, social networking, and new technology dominate currently and are quickly developing new e-media almost daily.

Martin Alan enjoys writing on subjects such as literature, online publishing, digital magazine, publishing software and self publishing. He also enjoys keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in technology and online marketing.

For more information on online publishing click here;

Author: Martin Alan
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